Postpartum Doula Care

Postpartum Care Questionnaire
Sample of Questions
Main reason for desiring postpartum Doula care? ________________________________________________________________________________
Will Dad and or a family member or friend be home with you to help after the baby/babies are born? ____________________
If so, who, and for how long?_________________________________________________________
How long do you anticipate wanting postpartum doula support?
Number of days per week ________ Number of weeks ________ Best Time _________am _________pm (minimum of 5 hrs - coverage for two feedings )
What are your main reasons for choosing to have a postpartum doula? (Circle)
Instruction in Infant Care
Breastfeeding / Lactation Consultation
Prevention of Sleep Deprivation.
Emotional Support
Reassurance Sibling care
Household help Physical comfort measures
Extra pair of hands
I will be returning to work and I need to heal quickly
Have you had any complications with this pregnancy? Please describe:___________________________
Have you had any previous complications with fertility, reproductive health, pregnancy or
postpartum? Please describe:_____________________________________________________________
Have you had any stressful events, losses or major life changes in the last year? Please
Please check any classes or support groups you have taken/ joined in preparation for postpartum
___ Infant care ___ Childbirth preparation ___ Breastfeeding ___ Infant CPR ___ Le Leche League International ____ Multiples Support Groups____ other
Have you cared for a baby recently? ______________________________________________________
What books on infant care, breastfeeding or postpartum have you read? __________________________
Does your family have any particular cultural or religious traditions that I should know about?_________
Does your family have any particular style of cooking or special dietary needs? ____________________
How will your baby be fed? _____ breast milk _____ formula _____ combination
Would you like help or support with feeding your baby? _______________________________________
Please rate how important you anticipate the following will be in your postpartum care:
(1) Not at all important (5) Very important
Postpartum comfort measures 1 2 3 4 5
Family’s basic needs (food, drink) 1 2 3 4 5
Holding baby 1 2 3 4 5
Infant care guidance 1 2 3 4 5
Help feeding baby 1 2 3 4 5
Household help 1 2 3 4 5
Emotional support 1 2 3 4 5
Sibling care 1 2 3 4 5
Is there anything else you’d like me to know about your family?_________________________________
Information provided during postpartum care services includes: -
Feeding baby / proper latch if breast feeding
Diaper changing / types of stools / number of diapers per day
Bathing baby
Cord care
Circumcision care
Swaddling baby
Burping baby
Soothing baby
Infant massage
CFT Therapy (Gillespie Method Brain Score- Craniosacral Fascial Therapy)
Carrying baby in a sling
Postpartum comfort measures
Information on mom’s physical restoration
Information on emotional adaption